
Gardening: Garden Planning

The days are getting longer (if not warmer) and even though the snow is still flying all across the country, it’s high-time to begin the real work of gardening! We’ve already covered our favorite seed catalogs and some new and existing garden considerations. Now it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty details and start putting a plan to paper! Or perhaps computer, as you’ll see. Read on to learn about some helpful tools we’ve used and recommend to make this year’s garden plan the most ambitious and successful yet!

The Spectre of 2020

It’s imperative every year to notwait to the last minute to order your supplies, but, before we dive in too far, we would be remiss not to mention that this year is going to pose even bigger challenges for the entire horticulture industry. The pandemic that begun in 2020 continues to rage, and we are continuing to feel the effects of that. In our industry, no where is that more clear than the strain on supply chains. Production of product and raw materials has been seriously restricted and demand is HISTORICALLY SKY HIGH! We at Mega Kit store have been busy doing absolutely everything we can to make sure we have the right products at the right time, but we definitely foresee shortages and long lead times for many items, even common and mundane supplies.

Before you’re able to jump in and start planning though, you need to determine what it is exactly that you are planning in the first place. Obviously if it’s your first garden there probably isn’t a whole lot to plan, but you would be wrong to think there is nothing to plan. For instance, in the middle of summer you’ll be sorry if you planted anything within about 3 or 4 feet of your zucchini plants, trust me!

If you’re a veteran, you might be considering things like a spring or fall garden using season extending techniques. Or, you might be trying to maximize production with succession plantings. Maybe you just want to put in a cobblestone path and some bed borders, or make sure your not planting in the same place every year. No matter what it is that you intend to do in the upcoming season, having it thought out and saved for reference is key to your success!

Praesent Iaculis sit Vehicula
Lap. 4 Tellus A17-B27

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