Soil Moist Transplant Mycorrhizal
Soil Moist Transplant is formulated to inoculate transplanted trees, shrubs and plants during planting time. The formulation contains a diverse blend of 5 species of healthy viable ectomycorrhizal propagules and 7 species of endomycorrhizal propagules that are adapted to a wide range of plants. Soil Moist water storing polymers are included in the blend.
Mycorrhizal fungi colonize plant roots and extend far into the soil resource.The fungi improves the ability of the plants to utilize the soil resources.The fungi increases water and nutrient uptake by providing a larger root mass. The improvement in the plant / soil ecosystem increases plant establishment. Each pound of Transplant contains over five billion colony forming units (CFU) of bacteria in the biostimulant formulation. There are over fifty (50) strains of beneficial bacteria and soil microbes as well as natural plant extracts that promote root growth and formulation. Five strains of Trichoderma are included in the formulation to produce natural growth hormones and enhance disease suppression.
Soil Moist Transplant is effective on all types of trees,shrubs and plants with the exception of Laurels,Rhododendrons and Azaleas. Do not use fungicides for three weeks before and after applying Soil Moist Transplant. The following fungicides should not be used: Ridomil, Benlate, Bravo, Daconil, PCNB, Bayleton, Dithane, Zineb and Ziram.
Product Benefits
- Improves soil and plant ecosystem
- Increases plant establishment and growth
- Reduces transplanting stress and plant loss
- Increases nutrient and water uptake
- Improves soil structure and porosity
- Reduces fertilizer use
Non Plant Food Ingredients
Endomycorrhizal Fungi | Minimum of 5760 viable propagules per pound of material derived from seven species: Glomus intraradices, Glomus aggregatum, Glomus mosseae, Glomus clarum, Glomus deserticola, Glomus monosporum and Gigaspora margarita |
Ectomycorrhizal Fungi | Minimum of 586 million viable propagules per pound of material derived from seven species: Pisolithus tinctorius, Rhizopogon rubescens, Rhizopogon fulvigleba, Rhizopogon villosuli and Rhizopogon amylopogon, two species of Scleroderma |
Soil Moist | Crosslinked polyacrylamide, 1000-2000 micron size. Minimum of 5.4 ounces per pound |
Sea Kelp extract | Ecklonia maxima |
Humic acid | Leonardite humates |
Fungi | Five strains of Trichoderma to produce natural growth hormones and enhance disease suppression. |
Beneficial bacteria | Over fifty (50) strains of bacteria which include fifteen strains of Bacillus, five strains of Psuedomonas and ten strains of Streptomycetes. Minimum of five billion colony forming units (CFU) per pound |
Vitamins and other ingredients | Folic and fulvic acid, biotin, natural sugars and vitamins (B, B1, B2, B3, B12, C & K) |

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On rare occasions addresses with limited access such as islands or major metropolitan areas (ie: New York City) may incur additional delivery fees; if so, you will be contacted to confirm the extra shipping cost before your order is processed. Shipments to Alaska or Hawaii qualify for free shipping to any West Coast port. Please contact us for special shipping rates from the West Coast to Alaska or Hawaii.
Motor Freight Agreement
Full Size Semi: Your location must be able to accommodate a full size semi-truck trailer of up to 70ft. in length.
Someone Must Be Present: You or someone else authorized must be present to unload the shipment. Exact delivery date will be arranged via phone by freight company.
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